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2020 has been different to say the least.


So we’re doing things a little different to match.
New to the list of cakes we keep on hand every day is🎊🎉This warm comfy spice, apple filled, cake will be available until the season is over.
🎂🍏Spice cake-apple filling- Caramel French cream- caramel and apples to garnish🍎🍰
As always you can stop by to pick up or call to reserve this seasonal spice shop.
1717 Ne Broadway Portland Or 97232
Curbside pick up is still available for those whom may need extra social distancing or forgot their masks.
Stay safe friends.

1 thought on “2020 has been different to say the least.”

  1. i was wondering what type of chocolate cakes you can make. a friend is leaving work so i would like to get them a cake. chocolate is their favoret

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